

3 月 5, 2024  |  新闻

Is coco coir sustainable? Your questions answered

Coco coir is rapidly growing in popularity among farmers and growers as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional growing mediums.

Derived from coconut trees, coco coir is taken from the husks of the coconuts produced by the trees. These husks would have previously been discarded as a waste product but are now transformed into coco coir and used in a range of growing applications around the world, from your back garden through to major commercial growing operations.

By using the natural fibres from coconut husks, it means coco coir is a truly renewable material and, the coconut trees themselves naturally sequester carbon over their 60–100-year life cycle, further supporting the environment.

When the coco coir has been used, it can then be composted to enrich the soil, naturally biodegrading over time.

With new restrictions on the destruction of peat bogs to create growing mediums, it means that coco coir is the perfect alternative for food and crop production.

Botanicoir is a leading expert in the production of coco coir and, in this blog, we explore the sustainability of coco coir and answer key questions around the benefits of the product to our environment and to growers.


High quality coir promotes re-use

Coco coir is not only a versatile growing medium but, crucially, it is highly durable and that means that when coir is produced to a high standard, it can be used more than once and in a variety of applications.

The nature of the natural fibres within coco coir creates structural integrity that is long-lasting but also provides a controlled environment for precision growing. The homogenous distribution of uniform particle sizes within Botanicoir’s coco coir bags means that growers will see even and fast root development, leading to healthier plants and increased crop yields.

The benefit of a high-quality consistent product is that they give growers more flexibility and longevity, because it’s designed for re-use.

By eliminating the need for constant replacement, it means far less waste going into the environment and it also helps to reduce input costs for growers too.

Even when the coco coir is no longer needed as a growing medium, this high-quality material can be composted.


Is coco coir biodegradable?

After they have been used for growing crops, coir fibres are biodegradable, breaking down naturally over time due to microbial activity, enzymes, and other environmental factors, which all help to break the coir fibres down into simpler organic compounds.

This process offers a wealth of benefits for enriching the soil promoting future plant growth.

In addition to the biodegradable nature of the coco coir, Botanicoir has offered recyclable plastic with our grow bags, but is now going a step further in our commitment to global environmental sustainability.

After years of research and trials, in 2019 we launched our first bio-degradable plastic for grow bags, which growers can simply mulch with the coir and spread on land, with zero negative impact on the local environment.


Can you compost coco coir?

Composting coir is a sustainable practice that involves the decomposition of coir fibres in nutrient rich humus, contributing to soil enrichment. The pH balance of coir is neutral, which means microoganisms can thrive, and it also helps to aerate the soil and retain water.

When used as compost, coco coir can hold up to 20 times its own weight in moisture and this ensures your plants have access to the water and nutrients they need for longer. Plus, coco coir compost won’t decompose and that means it can be reused, further boosting the sustainability credentials of coir.


Other sustainability benefits

Beyond its status as a renewable resource and an effective means of repurposing what would have otherwise become agricultural waste in the form of coconut husks, the production of coco coir offers a variety of additional sustainability benefits due to its biodegradability.

Carbon sequestration through coco coir production

Coconut trees absorb large amounts of harmful carbon dioxide from the environment throughout their lifetime, which is generally between 60-100 years.

Botanicoir also cuts its own carbon footprint by compressing the coco coir 5:1 and this means we can ship one container instead of five, further reducing the impact of coco coir on the environment.

Water conservation and coco coir

At Botanicoir we work hard to conserve water throughout the production process too. For example, we’ve cut water use by half in the manufacturing process and have upgraded our showering systems to make the flushing of the coir as efficient as possible. Any wastewater is also captured and cleaned so it can be used to grow more coco coir.

Improving soil health with coco coir

Coco coir as a soil amendment helps to renew soil health, improving the structure and aiding aeration and drainage. As it biodegrades in the soil, it provides a range of essential nutrients and promotes the microbial activity, supporting plant growth and the wider ecosystem.

Because coco coir is a natural product that is free of chemicals and pathogens when properly processed, it is more environmentally friendly than some of the synthetic alternatives.

Sustainable growing with coco coir

Coco coir as a soil amendment helps to renew soil health, improving the structure and aiding aeration and drainage. As it biodegrades in the soil, it provides a range of essential nutrients and promotes the microbial activity, supporting plant growth and the wider ecosystem.

Because coco coir is a natural product that is free of chemicals and pathogens when properly processed, it is more environmentally friendly than some of the synthetic alternatives.




