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Abr 23, 2024  |  Noticias

Thankful for building lasting relationships with Polish growers

In March this year we welcomed a group of passionate fruit growers from Poland to see our manufacturing facility in Sri Lanka.

Director of Botanicoir distribution company, 4bayas, Krzysztof Sak, lead a team of the biggest Polish fruit growers to see how we produce coco coir.

“To thank this group of customers for the long relationship we have had with them, we invited 12 growers for a seven-day trip to Sri Lanka, to see the Botanicoir factory and to have some quality time with the Botanicoir team,” says Krzysztof.

“The trip was fantastic, and the growers were fascinated by the scale of and professionalism of Botanicoir’s facilities.

“The number of dedicated staff, stringent processes and products was an eye-opener for them. They really understood that not all coir is the same, and investing in Botanicoir products means investing in real quality, consistency, and supporting local communities in Sri Lanka,” he says.

Krzysztof visited us five years previously and felt the scale of improvements since then has been huge. “Botanicoir is continuing to future proof its operations, being the only coco coir supplier with a drier, and a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. They don’t just talk about supporting planet and people, they live and breathe it,” adds Krzysztof.

Krzysztof was so impressed with Botanicoir products, that he became a supplier of coco coir in Poland through his business, 4bayas, in 2015.

“Botanicoir products are premium, and our customers are seeing that it makes sense to invest in a high-quality product to be sure it’s consistent and doesn’t have quality issues which are more costly down the line,” says Krzysztof.

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